Friday, October 24, 2008

Heading Out

We are almost out the door. Tomorrow morning we will be on our way to the airport for a big, big trip. Yes, we Mauritian-Americans are about to live up to our moniker. But not without a few built-in detours.

Tomorrow we start in St. Louis, and then via Chicago and London, we will find ourselves in Paris, hoping to make it the rest of the way to our dear friends' Alisa and Frederic's home an hour away. See their link to the left for a window into what's in store.

Wednesday, we return to London and meet up with our good friend and dear brother Alec Hill, also from St. Louis. From there, we take the twelve hour flight to Mauritius. Over the last few months, numerous rendezvous's with us have uncovered Alec's gift for language and given him a reasonable foundation for being Christ's ambassador from Mid-County to its mission works in Mauritius and Marseille, France.

On November 8, Alec and I will make our way to Marseille. We believe some tremendous time of mutual encouragement is in store for us, and we are especially looking forward to visiting Camp Harmonie in the French Alps and serving in whatever way we can.

At the same time, a huge void in my person will begin to be felt as Isabelle, Julia and Chloe will be staying in Mauritius until January 23. Alec and I will return to St. Louis on November 15.

Look for some posts along the way over the next three weeks. I wonder if our country will look the same after three weeks of additional financial havoc and a quite spirited presidential election. May God our rock enable us to weather the storm.