When Julia arrived, we had signed up for Yahoo! photos just prior, and so we could upload and make public every last photo that we took. We took so many and so many similar that people wondered if something was wrong with Yahoo! photos because it appeared to be showing duplicate photos. It was faster and easier to upload everything than to wade through it all. Since Yahoo! photos has closed up shop, we now have to pick and choose what we want to show. We'll do our best to pick some good ones so far. We have something on the order of one-third as many photos with Chloe as with Julia.

Speaking of Julia, here is a photo of the sisters. Julia has been working hard on all the concepts and vocabulary that come with her latest new role in life. She figured out somewhere along the way that Chloe was only in Mommy's tummy and not also in her own tummy. And she was saying "sister" with great sincerity, but little indication if she knew what it meant exactly. On the other hand, Julia has taken to saying, "Rosie, too!" which is a common quote from the television show "Caillou" that we let her watch almost daily. Caillou is a four year old boy and Rosie is his two-year old sister. So we think this is a good sign that she's getting some idea of what's happening.
Congrats Chris, that's one fine looking little baby. And welcome to the blogosphere too.
Dear Chris and Isabelle you can`t expected a better gift in this period of Holidays greeting seasons
please received our best congratulations and welcome Chloe in this nice and lovely family all the best for this coming year 2008
Merry Christmas and Happy new year
Big kiss to the four Buckholders
with all our love,in Christ.
What a precious family! God has certainly blessed you guys again!!!
I am so glad to find your blog. I didn't know you had one. Congrats and she is gorgeous. It is pretty sad that I have to read your blog to keep up! Can't wait to meet her!
She's beautiful, and I'm sure Julia is going to be a great big sister! Congratulations to all of you and enjoy cuddling that new sweet baby!
Thanks, all. Blogging is a good pace for us to strive to set for ourselves at this point. Please do pay a visit to the links we have to others' blogs (Alisa, and Los Fletchers, notably) and let us know if you have something for us to add to our links.
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