Thank you, everyone, for your comments and replies to my e-mail inviting you to see this blog. We're doing quite well under the circumstances, although Isabelle is having to overcome quite a bit. Healing from abdominal surgery is no picnic, nor is breaking in a ravenous newborn in terms of nursing.
Today, I managed to get around to some Christmas shopping. We thought we'd have plenty of time after Chloe came sometime around December 3. So we lost about two weeks there. Before any one spends any money on any newborn or infant toys or other paraphernalia, I recommend Once Upon A Child across from Walmart and Target in Kirkwood. I got all kinds of toys and books for less than the price of one item that was tempting me at Target.
Another bit of news I have is that Isabelle's sister Medge's husband was able to get a visa to visit the US, and he is due to arrive on Friday. Thank you all for your prayers for him. Something else also, in terms of prayers for me, is that it turned out that my hip condition was some kind of muscular-skeletal tweak that just needs some recovery time. We're mighty glad I'm not headed for hernia surgery as we had been told, here in the early days with Chloe and during Isabelle's recovery from surgery.
I feel a rant coming on, so stay tuned...
chris Burkholder rant? Aren't those two things contradictory?
Not at all...sometimes some things have to be proclaimed...I'm thinking Boxing Day (Dec. 26) would be a fitting day to let fly, so we'll see.
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